Jollies Silicone Toys

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Blowing Air for the Wind to Change

It’s been slightly over two years now that I’ve been single, but there’s a lot more to the last two years of my life. I got a new job at the same time as I was trying to find a new place to live after leaving my ex, and it feels like it took me two years to get back on my feet. I do not mean it in terms of money, but mentally so. And today, I feel I am ready for the next part now.

You know I didn’t get a promotion at work, so I was motivated to find something new to do. So after checking jobs and academic programs, I finally decided to go back to school to become a nurse. I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to get a better sense of accomplishment at the end of my day than I do now. Let’s just say that I pretty much work as a proofreader, and I’m tired of correcting the same mistakes over and over again.

I’ve realized that I prefer working with people than stay in front of a computer all day. I love the field of medicine and I’ll be able to learn new things on a regular basis, and I look forward to it. I’m still going to take care of my blog, but I will make an effort to update you on more stuff than just the sexual aspect. At first this blog was just a blog where I’d place my sex toy reviews, but I was also very happy to hear the feedback about what happened to me when I shared personal thoughts and I really appreciate the support.

Thanks a lot guys, it wasn’t much but you helped me through the last year of my personal evolution.

Kynky Kytty

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